Hot Mess Express

I am on the hot mess express and I know nothing about nothing. Let’s get real for a moment, all I have eaten this week is: white bread, Country Crock, and applesauce. It is super ironic because I was ready to jump on the AIP bandwagon. Now, I have been sick for 7 weeks, am repulsed by everything, and could care less about AIP.

Picture of Chandler from Friends saying, "Oh! I don't care."


I just had an epiphany. I have been eating a modified paleo diet for months (before my bread and butter situation this week), and I am sicker than ever. What is the point?

I can tell that eating nutrient dense food helps my energy- like when I started eating smoothies for breakfast. But, I can’t help but wonder if I’m wasting my time with paleo and transitioning to AIP. Sure, there’s tons of anecdotal evidence, but I could also find anecdotal evidence to suggest that lemur left nuts cure cancer.

Picture of a lemur
Draw me like one of your French lemurs
Photo by Daniele Barison on Unsplash

Further confusion

I saw a doctor at urgent care for the sinus infection this week. He asked a lot of questions and took an interest in my chronic situation, which was unexpected. Long story short, he suggested that I try a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet has been currently off my radar, but I have read The China Study and am aware of the studies. It is compelling. So is paleo and AIP. So is everything, except the asinine “mucus free” diet where you eat raw plants, don’t drink water, and fast yourself into oblivion. Yes, that is a real thing and the people who preach this method prey upon chronically ill people. Don’t even get me started.

Picture of Mindy Kaling from The Office saying, "First of all, how dare you."

I feel like I should at least consider what the doctor told me. After all, he is a doctor and his only motivation was to help. I feel silly for continually changing my nutritional “tune”. My husband teases me about the fact that I jump on every nutritional bandwagon I am currently reading about, and he is 100% accurate.

A side-note on being gullible

Raise your hand if you have watched a documentary and are completely persuaded by it. Me! Every time. Making a Murderer- yo, those guys are innocent. Icarus- yo, there’s a huge Russian conspiracy in athletics. Actually, that one is pretty straight forward. The Game Changers- yo, a plant-based diet is the way to go. Unidentified- yo, UFO’s are legit.

I’m pretty sure they could make a documentary about the fact the the moon is made of cheese and I would believe it.

Picture of Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Me after watching a documentary

Now what

I am going to have to take a step back and evaluate what I am going to do next with my diet. In the meantime, I will stick to what I know for sure- avoid sugar and processed foods and rely heavily on fruit and vegetables.

Who else is on the hot mess express?

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Statements on this site are not meant to be taken as medical advice. These statements reflect my personal experiences having mild-ish post-viral POTS and ME. Due to the wide spectrum of these diseases, comorbidities, and everyone being different, your experiences may be very different than mine.

Note: If you post a comment, this site does NOT have a feature to notify you of responses to your comment. I have not found a good solution for that yet. However, I usually respond to every comment in a timely manner, so be sure to check back.

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  1. I’m sorry about your indecision/confusion on what to do next. I agree, maybe you should take a step back & in the meantime, do what you have been doing. I’m sorry, that you can’t seem to shake the sinus thing. Prayers for healing!!!

  2. First, I just laughed so hard reading your blog I had tears! I love that you’re being real about all this. As you know I’ve been chronically ill with Hashimoto’s for years and have tried everything with minimal changes. And the whole trend about our diets curing us leaves me skeptical. You know when I finally lost weight? When I had to eat processed foods because my acid reflux was so bad that processed food was the easiest to digest! So go figure! And none of my autoimmune symptoms got worse. BUT, I too have already made changes towards healthier eating through the years, so maybe that’s why a few weeks of eating that stuff was fine. I get really confused when I know people who’ve been vegetarian for years, yet they have MS. Or people that eat only paleo but they still have thyroid symptoms. Yet I keep reading that AIP is the answer to the inflammation that causes my flares! Ugh! I want something that works for every autoimmune ALL the time! And is not tied into someone pushing their own supplements! Sorry. Rant over. I’ll be curious to see what you try next.

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